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Support for Ukarine

Dear Friends! 

As you probably know the Russian war against Ukraine is brining each day a massive damage to the country. Those who suffer the most are the innocent civilians. Mothers with children separated from their husbands who are not allowed to flee Ukraine. People who lost their houses due to Russian bombing, and those who sadly have already lost their loved ones. Horrified by the events, we believe that the best we can do now is to help in every possible way and pray. 


Dobrowskaz Organization is helping with: 

    ⁃    evacuation for the people who are fleeing Ukraine (mostly mothers with children). At the moment, the only way to flee Ukraine is to head to Lviv (a city close to the Polish border).  We help to transport them from Lviv to the Polish border, where other organizations are providing them with aid. We need to collect funds for the fuel, so our drivers can provide help for the refugees. 

    ⁃    We help finding accommodation for the Ukrainian refugees in Poland. 

    ⁃    In Słupsk we are launching a place where Ukrainians can obtain psychological help. 

    ⁃    We organize free extra classes and after school activities (arts and crafts) for children and youth who fled Ukraine and found a place to stay in Słupsk. 

For now we need funding in order to continue to help. So if you are willing to help even with a small amount of money, please do so! If we collect more than we need, we want to transfer the money to other organizations that provide help for the Ukrainians. 


United, we can do so much more.

Please remember that even 10 dollars equals to 45 PLN (the cost of full tank for the car is around 500 PLN/110 USD) — it does help a lot, it will make a difference. 




ul. Tramwajowa 5/26
76-200 Słupsk, Poland
e : [email protected]
t : 0048 597276132
instagram :

Details for international
money transfers :

Beneficiary account:
Beneficiary name:
Beneficiary bank name:
Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Beneficiary bank code: WBKPPLPP

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